Sunday, September 7

Gerai Ramadhan

Went to WYWY Tutong last night he2 had never been there since the "TRAGEDY" ha5 as we opened the menu.........

ha5 had to put the cigarettes back in the pocket...luckily being trained not to smoke during the fasting month that had to wait till reach home to have some puff of it he2......

This afternoon went to 'Gerai Ramadhan' in bandar....he2 apart from looking for the food managed to observed and postulate some intresting fact of human behaviour....
  1. People seem to remember Allah when they hear the firecrackers....even some of them cursed...
  2. The unusual voice of Phillipino praising the words MEE MAMAK in his/her slang.....
  3. How unfortunate due to mispronounciation a beautiful name FARAH became PARA....
The things I don't like while wondering around the 'Gerai Ramadhan'
  1. Meeting people I knew....luckily in Bandar only met friends......but in Tutong may encounter my student.....ha5....a reason why I never went to Gerai Ramadhan in Tutong...
  2. Planning to be some food but in the end all being sold time had to be there early.....maybe straight after work ha5......