Monday, October 13

Hari Raya

Hari Raya Aidilfitri commemorates the First of Syawal the winning celebration after one month Fasting in usual the tradition of visiting families & friends and asking for forgiveness from them includes as the activity within it......however for my student the celebration was spoiled with their preparation for the Public I quote to my PMB student "Your Hari Raya this year is finished are now have to concentrate for your exam...." during the first day of the school reopened last week.....ha5 the same goes to my O Level student though the spent one day celebrating Hari Raya among themselves that include visiting my house he2....thanks....hopefully they enjoy the food I prepared for them ha5.....

Back to the Hari Raya celebration...yesterday our house is visited or "kana langgar" by my mothers' family side as part of our own big family schedule after visiting my Late Aunts' grave in KB....AlFatihah.....

Well was unable to took so as many pictures as I could as I was humble with this camera.......

and also.......